The RENEWBIZ Grant Program
Applications Are Not Being Accepted At This Time
The RENEWBIZ Grant Program assists organizations with the cost of developing or improving commercial and industrial districts within the unincorporated communities of East Kern County. It is a flexible source of competitive funding for a broad range of facade improvement activities. For further information, please view the Grant Application and Handbook below.
RENEWBIZ Grant Application Handbook (444 KB)
RENEWBIZ Grant Application (281 KB)
This Renewable Energy Neighborhood Enhancement Wind and Solar Business Investment Zone (“RENEWBIZ”) Grant Application Handbook is designed to provide information about the RENEWBIZ Grant Program and instructions and forms for preparing and submitting a funding request. This 2018-2019 funding cycle begins on March 1, 2019.
Completed Application Packets must be received in the Planning and Natural Resources Dept, 2700 M Street, Suite 100, Bakersfield, CA 93301 and time stamped by 4:30 p.m. on May 14, 2019.
A Completed Application Packet includes an original and five copies of the application, and all attachments, as well as an electronic copy of the application and all attachments. Completed Application Packets must be received in the Planning and Natural Resources Dept by the deadline stated above. Applications or documents related to an application will not be accepted after the deadline, unless an extension is granted in advance and in writing by the Director.
For questions, please contact:
Scroll through our story map to view awarded RENEWBIZ grants for the 2014-2015 cycle.

Old Town Tehachapi Vision Plan (7.6 MB)

Boron Vision Plan (9.21 MB)

Mojave Vision Plan (5.76 MB)