Public Hearing Notices

Notices for current and future hearings for the Planning Commission and Director's Hearing.

Planning Commission

  • Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. at the Board of Supervisors Chambers
  • Advisory to the Board of Supervisors on adoption and amendments related to: General Plans, specific plans, zone changes, the Zoning Ordinance, the Land Division Ordinance, agricultural preserve inclusions and exclusions, and Williamson Act contract cancellations not involving cancellations for homesite purposes
  • Considers and takes action on: Conditional Use Permits and Tract Maps
  • Planning Commission Members: Supervisorial District 1 - Clayton Dunbar; Supervisorial District 2 - B. Joe Ashley; Supervisorial District 3 - Lauren Skidmore; Supervisorial District 4 - Kevin Oliver; Supervisorial District 5 - Vacant

Director's Hearing

  • Meets every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at the Public Services Building 1st floor conference room
  • Conducted by the Planning and Community Development Director as Hearing Officer
  • Considers and takes action on: Parcel Maps, Modifications, Precise Development Plans and Zone Variances
  • Hearing notices for discretionary actions that do not automatically require a hearing, but a Director's hearing will be conducted upon request
  • Applications for Parcel Maps, Parcel Map Waviers and Lot Line Adjustments with Variations
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