Specific Plan
WHAT IS A SPECIFIC PLAN? A specific plan is a regulatory tool that local governments use to guide development in a localized area and to systematically implement the general plan. A specific plan is intended as a more detailed development plan than is a general plan. WHAT DOES A SPECIFIC PLAN LOOK LIKE? According to state law,…
Read MoreGeneral Plan Amendment
WHAT IS A GENERAL PLAN? California law requires that each county and city in the state develop and adopt a general plan. The general plan consists of a statement of development policies and includes a diagram or diagrams and text setting forth objectives, principles standards, and plan proposals. It is a comprehensive long-term plan for…
Read MoreSpecial Development Standards
WHAT ARE THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS? The Kern County Zoning Ordinance regulates the use of land. It lists certain allowed uses according to particular zoning districts. Zoning districts that allow construction of multifamily dwelling units, commercial uses, or industrial uses are subject to Special Development Standards. More specifically, projects within the following zoning districts are subject…
Read MorePrecise Development Plan
WHAT IS A PRECISE DEVELOPMENT (PD) PLAN? The Precise Development (PD) Combining District is used to designate areas with unique site characteristics or environmental conditions, or areas surrounded by sensitive land uses to ensure that new development in such areas is compatible with the existing land uses and identified constraints. The PD Combining District may be…
Read MorePublic Easement and Street Vacation
WHAT IS A VACATION? The term “vacation” means the complete or partial abandonment or termination of the public right to use a street, highway, or public service easement. A street or highway is defined as all or part of, or any right in, a state highway or other public highway, road, street, alley, trail, or other…
Read MoreZone Change
ZONE DISTRICTS Base zone districts were established to regulate and control a diversity of land uses. A separate handout is available that describes the various district classifications. The Zoning Ordinance, which contains detailed zoning regulations, can be ordered or purchased at the Planning Department. Specific uses may be authorized in one (1) district or in several…
Read MoreConditional Use Permit
WHAT IS A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP)? Certain uses of land or types of businesses specified in the Kern County Zoning Ordinance require a conditional use permit application. Approval of a conditional use permit requires the submittal of an application form, plot plan, and payment of filing fees. The conditional use permit application requires a public…
Read MoreZone Modification / Zone Variance
The Zoning Ordinance lists development standards for each zone district. Relief from strict application of these requirements may be possible through either the ZONE MODIFICATION or ZONE VARIANCE process. Variances that would allow an activity or use not expressly authorized by a zone district are prohibited (Section 65906 of the California Government Code). WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MODIFICATION…
Read MoreCannabis Land Use Ordinance Amendment
PlanningDivision Overview Renewable Energy Notices of Preparation Environmental Documents Planning Programs Planning Documents Forms & Applications Informational Guides Oil and Gas Permitting Cannabis Land Use Ordinance General PlanGeneral Plan 2040 General Plan Timeline Community Input Documents Interactive Maps Resources & Contacts HearingsHearings Public Hearing Notices Notices of Opportunity Director’s Hearings Map Archive Planning Commission Map…
Read MoreZoning Ordinance Amendments
Document: Kern County Zoning Ordinance – November 2017 revision
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