General Plan 2040
New Website -
In 2017 the Kern County Planning and Natural Resources initiated the process on the Kern County General Plan Update for 2040. As part of that process, a new website has been created. This website is dedicated to keeping the public aware of the progress in updating the Kern County General Plan 2040. Additionally, the new website offers the public the chance to sign up to receive updates regarding the General Plan Update via email. In order to access the new website please click on the link above.
- Planning Commission Workshops - January to June 2017
California State Law requires counties and cities to adopt and periodically update a General Plan to guide land use development. Kern County is initiating the General Plan update and is seeking community involvement and input. This website will serve as a gateway for providing and receiving vital information.
Get Involved
- Sign-up for email notifications
- Use the general plan menu on the left to view other resources
- Browse the timeline below
- Attend public workshops
- Attend public hearings
- Submit comments
Dates | Documents |
March 20, 2018 Board of Supervisors Briefing |
Dates | Documents |
January 26, 2017
February 23, 2017
March 23, 2017
April 27, 2017
May 25, 2017
June 22, 2017
"In addition, preparing, adopting, implementing, and maintaining the general plan serves to:
- Identify the community’s land use, circulation, environmental, economic, and social goals and policies as they relate to land use and development.
- Provide a basis for local government decision-making, including decisions on development approvals and exactions.
- Provide citizens with opportunities to participate in the planning and decision-making processes of their communities.
- Inform citizens, developers, decision-makers, and other cities and counties of the ground rules that guide development within a particular community."
(State of California General Plan Guidelines, 2003)