What is the process for a general plan amendment application?

After the general plan amendment application is accepted as complete, work begins on determining the appropriate type of environmental document for the project.  An initial study is drafted and sent to various local, state, federal, and private agencies asking for their comments.  A determination for the appropriate environmental document is made.  For additional information on…

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What is a general plan?

California law requires that each county and city in the state develop and adopt a general plan.  The general plan consists of a statement of development policies and includes a map or maps and text setting forth goals and policies.  It is a comprehensive long-term plan for the physical development of the county.  In this…

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What are the submittal requirements for a general plan amendment?

Applications to amend the general plan may be obtained from the Planning and Natural Resources Department counter or on our website at co.kern.ca.us/planning.  The application requires a complete legal description of the property, a statement of objectives, a detailed description of the project, and how it relates to various technical and environmental characteristics.  In other…

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How long does the process take?

After being accepted as complete, applications which require a Negative Declaration or do not require an environmental document, generally take five (5) to six  (6) months to process.  Where an Environmental Impact Report is needed, applicants should allow twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months for processing of the application.

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After the project is approved, what follows?

Unless there are special conditions attached to a project, the approval of a general plan amendment is generally effective immediately.  Approval of a general plan amendment does not, however, immediately entitle an applicant to a building permit or other type of permit.  There may be other ordinances or permit requirements from County departments or other…

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