Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

The Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Program was established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1974 to commit federal funds to local governments nationwide to provide decent housing, provide a suitable living environment, and to expand economic opportunities. One of threeNational Objectives must be met by each funded project or program:

  • Principally Benefit Low and Moderate Income Persons
  • Aid in the Prevention or Elimination of Slums, Blight or Blighting Influences
  • Meet a Community Development Need of "Particular Urgency" (per HUD's definition)

As a "Grantee", the County of Kern receives funds in amounts determined by applying a formula to the total amount of CDBG funds appropriated by Congress. The distribution, or grants, are made only after the Grantee has complied with all federal application requirements as submitted in their Consolidated Community Development Plan. The Board of Supervisors has appointed the Planning and Natural Resources Department as their staff to plan for and implement projects and programs approved by the Board for use of these funds.

For further information, contact the Planning and Natural Resources Department at (661) 862-5050