The County of Kern is undertaking an update of the Housing Element of the General Plan in accordance to State law for the planning period 2024-2031. The Housing Element provides an identification and analysis of existing and projected housing needs and a statement of goals, policies, and implementation programs that enable Kern County to meet its share of Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), including the needs of special needs groups and all economic segments of the County.

The Housing Element of the General Plan has two purposes:

  1. To provide an assessment of both current and future housing needs and constraints in meeting resident’s needs.
  2. To provide a strategy that establishes housing goals, policies, and programs.

This Housing Element represents Kern County’s long-term commitment to the development and improvement of housing. This element identifies strategies and programs that focus on:

  1. Preserving and improving housing and neighborhoods.
  2. Providing adequate housing sites.
  3. Assisting in the provision of affordable housing.
  4. Removing governmental and other constraints to housing investment.
  5. Promoting fair and equal housing opportunities.

Kern County 2024-2031 Housing Element Draft Resubmittal on 3/20/2025

Revised, as submitted to the California Department of HCD on 3/20/2025.

Note: Changes shown in green reflect revisions in this 3/20/2025 Draft Version. Changes shown in red reflect revisions in the 12/11/2024 Draft Resubmittal to HCD. 

Kern County 2024-2031 Housing Element Redline Version for Public Review 3/10/2025

Note: Changes shown in green reflect revisions in this 3/10/2025 Draft Version. Changes shown in red reflect revisions in the 12/11/2024 Draft Resubmittal to HCD. 

Previous Documents

Kern County 2024-2031 Housing Element Draft Redline Version 6/28/2024

Revised, as submitted to the California Department of HCD on 6/28/2024.

Kern County 2024-2031 Housing Element Draft Resubmittal Summary Package

Revised, as submitted to the California Department of HCD on 6/3/2024.

Kern County 2024-2031 Housing Element Negative Declaration

Original Kern County 2024-2031 Housing Element Draft Posted 12/7/2023

Revised, as submitted to the California Department of HCD on 12/7/2023.

Review Process

The draft document has been submitted to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for their statutory review. Once that review is complete, the Housing Element will be scheduled for recommendation by the Planning Commission and final adoption by the Kern County Board of Supervisors.

For questions, please contact the Department at the information provided below.

Craig Murphy, Assistant Director
2700 M Street, Suite 100
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 862-8739

Upcoming Public Events/Opportunities for Providing Public Comment

Board of Supervisors Hearing
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 2:00 pm PST
Chambers of the Board of Supervisors, First Floor
Kern County Administrative Center
1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA
Planning Commission Hearing
Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm PST
Chambers of the Board of Supervisors, First Floor
Kern County Administrative Center
1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA
Staff Report Addendum (4.59MB PDF)

Staff Report Addendum II (788 KB PDF)

Staff Report Addendum (14 MB PDF)