What are the submittal requirements for a parcel map?
Applications for a parcel map may be obtained at the Planning and Natural Resources Department public counter, mailed upon request, or downloaded from the Department web site. A licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer will submit the application on behalf of the property owner. Due to the technical nature of the mapping process, state law requires that the parcel map be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer licensed to survey in California.
Once an application is submitted, it will be reviewed to determine if it is complete. An application package will consist of the following:
- Application form, signed by the owners and agent/representative;
- One (1) copy of a preliminary title report (less than thirty (90) days old);
- Two (2) copies of the proposed parcel map, prepared by a land surveyor or engineer;
- Hazardous Waste Site Verification Statement; and
- Preliminary review fee.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that an environmental study be prepared for some types of projects. Often, parcel maps are found to be exempt from CEQA; however, some parcel maps require a more extensive environmental review. The environmental study can take the form of a Negative Declaration, a Mitigated Negative Declaration, or an Environmental Impact Report. If the Planning and Community Development Director determines that an environmental study will be required, the applicant will be required to submit a completed Environmental Information Form.
Technical reports may also be required. These may include: a biota report, a cultural resources survey, a soils report, a geologic hazard report, and a groundwater analysis, among other studies/reports. These studies will be used to assess the existing physical condition of the property and to determine the impacts the parcel map may have upon the environment.