When are the special development standards imposed?
The Special Development Standards are an integral part of the building permit process. This process is called the “site plan review.” A formal public hearing is not required. These development standards are required for projects in the listed zoning districts and are reviewed by the County during the grading or building permit approval process and verified in the field by the County building inspector.
The planner attaches a list of development standards to each set of plans. Only those requirements authorized by the Zoning Ordinance and appropriate to the proposed project are imposed. Compliance with each of these standards is required before the building inspector allows occupancy.
Occasionally, projects will not involve the issuance of a building or grading permit. For example, the establishment of an equipment storage yard in an M-2 District may not require the issuance of a permit. However, all zoning regulations still apply. This kind of project is still subject to the Special Development Standards. The owner is required to obtain approval of the site plan before the use is established. In such instances, the County will issue a “no fee tracking permit.” The project receives a building permit number so that the project can be “tracked” for compliance with the standards. Upon completion of the improvements, a building inspector will visit the site and verify compliance.