What should be shown on the site plan?

A site plan must contain the following information:

  • Topographic information (when deemed necessary by the Kern County Planning and Natural Resources Department)
  • Location of all existing structures
  • Location of all proposed structures
  • Location and dimensions of all driveways, maneuvering areas and parking areas
  • Location of trash receptacles
  • Distance between property line and centerline of the adjacent streets
  • Required road improvements
  • Proposed and existing landscaped areas
  • North arrow and scale
  • Phasing plan, if applicable


Projects must also submit an elevation drawing of any buildings and/or structures. Statistical notes must appear on the plot plan to address the source of water supply, sewage disposal method, under ground utilities, type of fencing, and the method of trash receptacle screening.

Staff is available to answer any questions you may have regarding these standards. Please telephone (661) 862-8600 if we can be of assistance.

(FORM207.PDS 3/11)