What is the process required for approval of a precise development plan?

Director’s Hearings are conducted by the Hearing Officer and are held the first and third Thursday (excluding holidays) at 10:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the Public Services Building, 2700 “M” Street, Bakersfield.

A staff report is prepared that contains proposed conditions for approval.  A planner will contact the applicant prior to the hearing to discuss the recommendation and the conditions of approval.  Applicants are encouraged to read the staff report and question anything that is unclear or confusing. Copies of the staff report are normally available one (1) week prior to the scheduled hearing.

Public testimony and opinion are always welcome at hearings; however, PD plans usually propose uses that are allowed “by right” in the zone district, so comments are typically limited to the appropriateness of proposed conditions.  When a proposed use in a PD District requires the approval of a conditional use permit, the Hearing Officer has the discretion to entertain public opposition to the specific use.  For example, an applicant may want to build apartments in a C‑1 PD District.  Since the development of apartments in a C-1 PD District requires the approval of a conditional use permit, as well as a PD plan, the Hearing Officer would consider the suitability of the site for apartments, as well as pertinent conditions for the use.