Budget Functional Statement
The Planning and Natural Resources Department was established in accordance with Section 65200 of the Government Code and is responsible for carrying out State mandated planning functions and facilitating the processing of various land use applications. The Planning and Natural Resources Department provides staff support to the Planning Commission.
Fundamental Functions and Responsibilities of the Planning and Natural Resources Department:
- Prepare, administer and update the Kern County and Metropolitan General Plans and implement programs to effectuate General Plan goals and policies
- Prepare, administer and update Kern County Zoning and Land Division Ordinances
- Prepare environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
- Administration of the Agricultural Preserve Program, Home Rule Program, endangered species planning and other activities
- Respond to applicant, agency and public comments and inquiries regarding land use, environmental and coordinative matters
Our Mission
To administer land use programs in a manner that fosters economic vitality, resource conservation, and responsiveness to public needs. Promote customer service and delivery of programs in a responsive and cost-effective manner.
Craig Murphy - Assistant Director
Advance Planning Division:
Katrina Slayton - Division Chief
* Environmental/Plan Development Unit - Vacant, Supervising Planner
This unit is responsible for the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports for major development projects. This unit serves as the lead for all matters for the County regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as both Lead and Responsible Agency. In addition, this unit is responsible for administering the County's Home Rule Program, which involves the monitoring, coordination and commenting on State and Federal regulations that affect County residents.
* Environmental/Plan Development Unit - Nicole Menchaca, Supervising Planner
This unit is responsible for the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports for major development projects. This unit serves as the lead for all matters for the County regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as both Lead and Responsible Agency. In addition, this unit is responsible for administering the County's Home Rule Program, which involves the monitoring, coordination and commenting on State and Federal regulations that affect County residents.
Plan Dev/Special Projects Division:
Vacant - Division Chief
* Plan Development Unit - Vacant, Supervising Planner
This unit is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the various elements of the Kern County General Plan and Specific Plans.
Current Planning Division:
Anjanette Simon - Division Chief
* Land Division Unit - Holly Nelson, Supervising Planner
This unit is responsible for the review and processing of parcel maps, tract maps, lot line adjustments and other applications subject to the County's Land Division Ordinance. This unit is responsible to chair the County Subdivision Review Committee and coordinates comments from various agencies related to land division applications.
* Current Planning - Kathy Barker, Supervising Planner
This unit is responsible for reviewing and processing general, community and specific plan amendments and zoning applications including conditional use permits, variances, road vacations, street name changes, etc. It administers the Williamson Act Program and the Zoning Ordinance. It prepares staff reports for the Director's Hearing, Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors and responds to public inquires.
Energy/ Permitting Division:
Dennis McNamara - Division Chief
* Permit Assistance Center & Energy Implementation - Matt Hall, Supervising Planner
These units are responsible for receiving and reviewing applications for planning related cases. It reviews applications for completeness, collects fees and provides the public with procedural and technical information. These units review ministerial zoning permits and responds to inquiries from the public. Energy Implementation is responsible for providing mitigation compliance for renewable energy projects and is responsible for processing the ongoing Oil & Gas Zoning Amendment and Environmental Impact Report.
* Graphics - Julie Williams, Supervising Planner
This unit is responsible for providing graphic support to the Department. Its functions include updating of maps and other land use data, development of graphics and administration of the street addressing program.
* Community Development Unit - Lonnie Bell and James Golden, Supervising Planner
This unit is primarily responsible for the preparation and coordination of various countywide community planning and visioning activities, including implementation of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. This unit coordinates with other jurisdictions and represents the County during the preparation of these regional planning efforts.
Administrative Operations Division:
Teresa Pickens, Administrative Services Officer
* Planning Fiscal Support - This unit is responsible for the budgeting and administration of department’s fiscal resources, including contracts administration. Also responsible for Human Resources functions, including hiring, onboarding, and related staffing functions and payroll.
* Community Development Fiscal Support - This unit is responsible for fiscal administration of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the State-funded Housing related grants.
Administrative Support Division:
* Cari Cowling - Office Services Coordinator
This unit is responsible for the preparation of public hearing notices and agenda items for Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and Director's hearings for all planning applications. It is responsible for the typing of staff reports, negative declarations, general and specific plans, ordinances, document duplication, mail services, filing room, and clerical work for special planning projects.
* Alyssa Torres - Office Services Coordinator
The Office Services Coordinator undertakes various administrative and coordinative functions in support of the Director.