About Us

About Us

Planning and Natural Resources

Mission Statement

The Planning and Natural Resources Department provides consolidated land use planning and community development programs for the County’s residents. We are proud to fulfill a mission that fosters economic vitality, supports resource conservation, and serves the diverse needs of Kern County residents, including those with lower incomes, by improving their economic, environmental, and social quality of life.


In 1974 the County of Kern submitted its first application for Community Development Block Grant funding to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and was awarded its first grant of $1.4 million in 1975. In 1975, the Community Development Program became a division of the County Administrative Office. By 1977 it was set up as a separate County department with Bill Mungary as its first director. In 2002, the department was re-named the Community & Economic Development Department (CEDD), then again in 2016 to Planning and Natural Resources Department (PLNR). Today, Community Development  is four Divisions (Planning, Fiscal/Agreements/Compliance, Economic Development, and Housing) administering Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership (HOME), and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Funds. Its mission is:

“…serving the diverse needs of Kern County residents, primarily those with lower incomes, by improving their economic environmental and social quality of life. We achieve this through projects and programs that revitalize neighborhoods by providing safer living environments, decent and affordable housing, public facilities and improvements, and expanded employment opportunities.”


Since 1975, the County has:

Allocated and spent more than $199 million in CDBG funds for water and sewer system improvements, fire protection facilities, senior centers, child day care centers, health clinics, libraries, centers for the handicapped, parks and recreation facilities, drainage improvements, street improvements, housing rehabilitation, elimination of accessibility barriers, and economic development activities that create/retain jobs.

Parlayed $38.5 million in HOME funds into $156.5 million in new affordable housing and rehabilitation of existing housing. More importantly, this added approximately 1,084 units to the County’s housing stock, specifically available to families with incomes less than 80% of the County’s median income.

For further information, contact the Community and Economic Development Division at (661) 862-5050


In October 1996, the Community Development Program Department was made part of the Resource Management Agency. The department is organized into four Divisions: Planning, Fiscal, Agreements and Compliance, Economic Development, and Housing. It is located in the County Public Services Building in order to coordinate its services and assistance with other County departments with related goals and objectives.

For further information, contact the Community and Economic Development Division at (661) 862-5050

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