What are the submittal requirements for a general plan amendment?

Applications to amend the general plan may be obtained from the Planning and Natural Resources Department counter or on our website at co.kern.ca.us/planning.  The application requires a complete legal description of the property, a statement of objectives, a detailed description of the project, and how it relates to various technical and environmental characteristics.  In other words, what do you want to do, how do you intend to do it, and what might happen to the surrounding area?

The General Plan Amendment application is reviewed by Department staff. A written reply will be sent to you outlining the information and reports you must formally file with the Department to constitute a formal complete application.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is intended to be used in conjunction with discretionary powers granted to public agencies by other State laws. A project can be exempted, prepare a negative declaration with or without mitigation measures or an environmental impact report. Most general plan amendments require some form of environmental document, either a negative declaration or and einvironmental impact report, but you will be advised in your specific case upon preliminary review.  If an environmental document is required, you will be asked to submit a completed Environmental Information Form, which asks more specific questions about the proposal and the affected property.  Technical reports, such as biota reports, traffic studies, archaeological reports, and/or groundwater studies, may also be required when an environmental study is performed.

Upon receipt of the preliminary review letter, you  must gather all the necessary information, together with the proper filing fees, and submit the package to the Department.

Forms and applications can be found HERE.